Sunday, August 17, 2014

Three steps at a time...

For starters I'm happy to announce to the world that my battle wound is finally almost back to normal. There's very little scaring left, so tempted to pick at them but trying not too. 
Ok this post is not to discuss my nipple scabs...

I took a look back at my first post back when I made this blog nearly two month ago, I noticed that I haven't really even remotely started to work on them. I came home from my vacation and joined a gym and only went for two weeks. I can't say my diet's really changed.
I have cut down of the number of cigarettes I smoke, I used to go through a pack every two days and now a pack can last a whole week. I guess its a milestone for me, not really where I want to be but it's a start. Cutting down is the way to cut it correctly, cold turkey never works. 
I did cut Redbull completely out of my life, I haven't had a redbull all week and I've noticed the amount of energy I don't have. In fact, I've fallen asleep in three different places that is not my bed and I NEVER do that. I love my bed so much I never fall asleep at my friends homes but this week off redbull I've felt like an old woman. This has been such a difficult week and it only makes me crave cigarettes even more but I've been fighting the urge.

Now I need to post an action plan.

I will continue to not consume any redbull and only stick to one cup of coffee a day. 
I already made a gym date with my friend Steven tomorrow night, I just need to keep up with my fitness.
I will start to eat better and not have ANY fast food at all.

Sometimes I feel the need to post inspirational quotes all over my bedroom/bathroom just as a reminder every single morning but that's not how it should be. I need to stop being such a lazy sack of potatoes and do something with my life. A person as fabulous as me shouldn't be so fat. (: 

So I'm fixing it.

You will see a change...

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